A young Palestinian killed by the Israeli army in the West Bank (Palestinian ministry)

A 16-year-old Palestinian boy was shot dead by Israeli soldiers during clashes on the sidelines of a Jewish religious pilgrimage in the occupied northern West Bank, the Palestinian health ministry said on Wednesday.

The victim, Ghaith Yamin, was fatally injured in the head “after a shot by Israeli forces”, during clashes near the alleged grave of Joseph, in eastern Nablus, according to the ministry.

This place is revered by the Jews as housing the remains of Joseph, one of the twelve sons of the patriarch Jacob. For Palestinians, the grave is that of a local Muslim religious figure.

According to the Israeli army, responsible for security during pilgrimages to this religious site, “hundreds of Palestinians rioted as Jewish pilgrims entered Joseph’s tomb, throwing stones and firebombs” ( Molotov cocktails).

“Soldiers responded by opening fire on a suspect firing a firebomb,” according to an army statement, adding that one person was “hit” and “shots were heard in the area.”

The Palestinian armed movement Islamic Jihad welcomed in a press release the “ambush” prepared by its fighters against the Israeli forces and confirmed exchanges of fire between the two parties.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society said it was treating four people injured by rubber bullets, 36 having inhaled tear gas and another who had fallen during the clashes.

Nineteen people, mostly civilians, have been killed in attacks in Israel and the West Bank carried out by Palestinians and Israeli Arabs since late March.

Israeli security forces responded with operations in Israel and the West Bank, particularly in Jenin.

Thirty-four Palestinians and three Israeli Arab attackers were killed in Israel and the occupied West Bank, partly members of armed groups, but also civilians including a journalist covering an operation in Jenin.

An Israeli policeman was also killed in an operation in the West Bank.

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