a young man found dead on the tracks of the metro, near a room squatted by unaccompanied minors

A charred body was found when the line reopened early Saturday morning. An investigation is underway to determine the exact causes of the victim’s death as well as his age.

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A young man was found dead on the night of Friday to Saturday on the rails of the metro line 6 in Paris, learned franceinfo from police sources, confirming information from the Parisian. His body, discovered at 5:45 a.m. when the line reopened, was stuck on a traction rail, between the Pasteur and Sèvres-Lecourbe stations in the fifteenth arrondissement.

It was around 1 a.m. that the municipal police first intervened near a disused premises well known to the police, as they are regularly squatted by a group of unaccompanied minors. Two individuals were tearing off the pieces of sheet metal used to block access to the place. The agents ask them to come down from the building, in vain. The two people then climb the barriers of the metro and flee through the tracks. Despite the rounds organized by the agents and the reinforcement of the national police, they were not found and it was in the early morning of this Saturday that a driver from the RATP discovered a charred body.

The ongoing investigation will have to determine if the body found is indeed that of one of the two fugitives and if he died after being electrocuted, as the first elements suggest. The investigation should also make it possible to determine the age of the victim.

It’s a very sad drama“, deplores Anthony Samama, deputy mayor of the 15th arrondissement of Paris, in charge of public tranquility, prevention and the municipal police. “We were perfectly aware of the dangerousness of this place, in which find unaccompanied foreign minors, sometimes delinquents. Some of them are not minors but closer to their twenties“, he asserts. “We have attempted a number of actions to try to prevent access to the roof of the room which serves as their shelter at night. But each time they forced access.

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