a year of questions in Cagnac-les-Mines



France 3

Article written by

R. Doreau, G. Udron, B. Barbay – France 3

France Televisions

This Thursday, December 16, it will be a year to the day than Delphine Jubillar will have disappeared. The main suspect remains the young woman’s husband. In Cagnac-les-Mines (Tarn), where the victim lived, the inhabitants will be forever marked by this affair.

The case is still ongoing. The 2,500 inhabitants of Cagnac-les-Mines are still stunned and shocked by the murder of Delphine Jubillar, which they still see on the wanted notices that dot the city. An inhabitant testifies to the indelible mark that this affair will leave in the minds: “It will mark, it will remain in the history of Cagnac, for sure. Although we would prefer that it be something else that remains in history, of course”.

In the downtown tobacco shop, the face of the young woman is omnipresent on the newspapers every week since her disappearance on December 15, 2020. What fuels the discussions: “When people meet in the market or whatever, it’s always the topic of conversation. But it doesn’t go very far since we don’t know much. He stays in jail and we still haven’t found it. the body, comment another inhabitant. A climate of mystery that does not leave the inhabitants alone, like this lady who no longer goes for a walk alone in the forest: “Now I am going with my comrades”. For the inhabitants of Cagnac-les-Mines, it is time for the investigation succeed.

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