a year after the nurse’s disappearance, a white march to demand justice




Article written by

E. Pelletier, I. Delion, F. Bazille, D. Breysse, C. Baume, S. Duchampt, T. Villegier, France 3 Midi-Pyrénées, O. Sauvayre – franceinfo

France Televisions

One year after the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar in Cagnac-les-Mines (Tarn), a white march was organized on Sunday December 19 to demand justice and truth.

A white march, to claim “justice and truth“. Sunday, December 19, these are the two words that were chosen by the family of Delphine Jubillar, the Tarn nurse who died a year ago, to keep the memory alive and advance the investigation.”We have hatred. Hate why? Because it’s been a year“, slips the cousin of the disappeared who was one of the few hundred people who made the trip.

After having traveled the routes that Delphine Jubillar used to take, the procession went to the home of the missing where a minute of silence was observed. While the nurse was last seen alive on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020, the investigation continues to stall despite the pre-trial detention of her husband, Cédric Jubillar, who continues to proclaim his innocence from prison in Seysses.

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