a year after the incidents during the match against OM, OGC Nice claims to have “learned from mistakes”

Marseille supporters banned from moving, closed stand, reinforced security and police: one year after the serious incidents that led to the end of the match at the Allianz Riviera, Nice and Marseille are meeting again this Sunday.

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When you talk about this match to the Nice supporters, there is still a kind of bitterness. But a year later, those who experienced this Nice-OM in the stands are lucid and are not looking for excuses. “It was hard to live: we saw the escalation of bullshit, denounce Loïc and Christian, two followers of the Popular South tribune. There was a response between the two camps and it completely degenerated. It’s not football we like to see, nor images we want to see in a stadium“. And to insist: “This is not the image I want to give my son of a supporter. I have supported OGC Nice for a very long time and I do not condone what happened at all.

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Since this match, the Riviera club has not remained unanswered. It was necessary to take concrete and rapid measures so as not to relive such incidents. For Franck Caveau, who was then the Nice club’s security director, there was a before and after this match: “The first four rows of the stadium have been pushed back, which has increased the height of the stands. We also had to put up anti-projection nets. I know that for the supporters, unfortunately, it’s not very pleasant, but we had no other choice. We must find solutions to prevent this from happening again.“, he insists at the microphone of franceinfo.

We also bought anti-intrusion barriers. We have gone to at least 30% more stewards. We also bought four anti-projection nets that we put at the level of the corner posts. And above all, we held a lot of meetings with the supporters to ensure that there was no longer this type of problem.“, he finally lists.

Incidents that had cost two points, including one suspended, and three matches behind closed doors for OGC Nice. But that’s in the past for Nice President Jean-Pierre Rivère, who calls for wisdom before the reunion on the ground: “We learned from our mistakes to try to ensure that we improve a little more every day, and to be more and more efficient in this security, which is essential in stadiums. Afterwards, I think that the lesson we learned on this subject must be retained. And I hope everyone in the stadium realizes that this game has to be perfect..”

The context will not be the same as last season: the Tribune populaire sud de Nice is closed for this match and Marseille supporters have been banned from traveling.


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