a year after the coup, repression continues to rage




Article written by

LL. Dao, L. Mas, B. Mingot, J. Galan, G. Lombard, N. Jayer, J. Raynal acknowledgments: Myanmar Wirness, B. Brac de la Perrière, D. Camroux, F. Robinne – franceinfo

France Televisions

Nearly a year after the putsch, the situation is deteriorating every day in Burma. In partnership with experts from Myanmar Witness, franceinfo is studying the methods used by the Burmese junta to set the country on fire and bloodshed.

When it seized power, the junta probably did not expect resistance of this magnitude. A year after the coup, Burma is on the brink of civil war. The conflict is well documented on social networks. For example, on images that appeared there on December 24, we can observe charred vehicles and human remains that are difficult to recognize. The opposition denounces a massacre of civilians perpetrated by the junta in the state of Kayah. The junta, for its part, evokes a road check which turned into a confrontation with the rebellion.

In fact, as the coup was orchestrated in Burma, a government of national unity was formed in the aftermath by exiled democrats who had found their armed arms in the People’s Defense Forces. Many ethnic minorities also rallied. Overwhelmed with civilians, Burmese soldiers opt for military clean-up offensives, burning entire villages, an old method already used in 2017 against the Muslim minority of the Rohingyas. Airstrikes are also orchestrated. The ultimate goal is to scare away the rebels.


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