“A worried family”, the first book by Morlais singer Renan Luce

“Over time, I have learned to discreetly and politely shorten these visits. I am now one of those people who can say ‘me, my parents, it’s four days maximum, then I saturate’.

Something in me regrets it and searches for the reason.

I no longer know if we will succeed in forming a family, against all odds, and in being there one day, my brother and I, for Claire. I was perhaps expecting my place as the youngest to give me the right to lightness and carelessness.

He evokes his brother’s suicide attempt, his sister’s disability, his separation from the singer Renaud’s daughter, finally Renan Luce immerses us in the intimacy of “touching and hard events”, episodes overcome in family.

Listen to Renan at the microphone of Baptiste Mebrouk

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