a woman was fatally stabbed by her companion in Epinay-sur-Seine

The perpetrator went to the police station and was taken into custody, announced the Bobigny prosecutor’s office.

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A 44-year-old woman was stabbed to death at the foot of her building, Friday evening November 26 in Epinay-sur-Seine (Seine-Saint-Denis), by her companion who had just come out of prison after serving a penalty for violence. This was announced by the Bobigny prosecutor’s office in a press release published on Saturday morning.

The victim was returning home around 7.45 p.m. when she met her companion who stabbed her several times, the prosecution said, confirming information from the Point. The perpetrator, aged 51, was sentenced on July 25 to one year in prison, including six months, for violence and threats committed against his partner on June 7. His companion having triggered his phone “serious danger” on October 5, part of his reprieve had been revoked. Then he was released on November 19.

The couple’s two daughters, aged 5 and 14, did not attend the scene and were taken care of by the feminicide protocol set up in Seine-Saint-Denis. The perpetrator went to the police station the same evening and was taken into custody, said the Bobigny prosecutor’s office.

According to a recent report from the Ministry of the Interior, 146 women were victims of conjugal feminicides, that is to say killed by their spouse or ex-spouse in 2019, and 102 in 2020. In mid-November, the Collective Feminicides by companion or ex reported on Facebook of the “100th and 101st” feminicides of the year 2021 in France, according to its report.

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