a woman victim of domestic violence escapes through the balcony, her husband runs away and leaves their two children alone

A 32-year-old man is suspected of having hit his partner in her thirties on the night of Saturday to Sunday, in Toulouse. He was arrested and taken into custody.

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The police intervened for a case of domestic violence, on the night of Saturday 20 to Sunday 21 November, in the district of Izards-Trois Cocus in Toulouse, indicates France Bleu Occitanie Monday. At around 12:30 a.m., the 30-year-old woman called the police, explaining that she had been hit and threatened with a knife by her partner, before finding refuge with her sister by escaping through the balcony to avoid the beatings. The abusive husband fled the apartment before the police arrived, leaving their two children behind.

The mother eventually returned home, accompanied by her sister, when the police intervened. The spouse also resurfaced at his home, where the police had only to arrest him and place him in police custody. The 32-year-old is unknown to the police and the judiciary. He was placed under judicial supervision and is subject to removal proceedings pending trial. The woman was prescribed two days of total absence from work (ITT).

According to figures released by the Interior Ministry on Monday, 160,000 people were victims of domestic violence in 2020 in France. In addition, 102 women died under the blows of their spouse or their ex.

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