A woman injured by a gun projectile in Côte-Saint-Luc

A 50-year-old lady was injured in her lower body by a gun projectile on the night of Friday to Saturday as she stood at the window of her residence in the linked town of Côte-Saint-Luc, in the west of the island of Montreal.

“It is difficult to understand for the moment why this lady would have been targeted by the shooting”, indicates a spokesperson for the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM), Raphaël Bergeron. After being shot, the lady was taken to a hospital to treat her injuries, but her life is not in danger.

The lady also told the police that she does not know “why she was hit by this projectile” at the window of her residence, on Macdonald Avenue, adds Bergeron.

The analysis of the scene in the presence of forensic analysis technicians is now complete, but the investigation continues on Saturday in an attempt to clarify the circumstances of this event. The police tried in particular to meet witnesses of the scene and to unearth surveillance cameras in this sector “to see if we could have images of the suspect or suspects in this file”, indicates Mr. Bergeron.

At this stage, all the hypotheses are on the table, indicates the SPVM, including the possibility that there was an error on the person in this case.

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