a woman found dead in the lobby of her apartment building

According to his companion, the victim, who spent Friday evening outside, had planned to return at night to their home. He discovered her bruised body in the stairwell on Saturday morning as he went looking for her.

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The 20th arrondissement of Paris.  (SCREENSHOT / GOOGLE MAPS)

A man found the body of his lifeless companion on Saturday morning March 25 in the lobby of their building located in the 20th arrondissement of Paris next to the Tenon hospital, franceinfo learned this Sunday from a source familiar with the matter. An investigation in flagrance for murder was opened and entrusted to the criminal brigade of the capital.

According to a source close to the case, the victim’s companion explained to the police that his companion with whom he had just joined was out on Friday evening. She had planned, according to him, to return at night around 1 o’clock in the morning. But shortly before 7 a.m. on Saturday, still not seeing her return to their apartment, he decided to go out in search of her. The man then discovered the body of his swollen companion in the hall of the building.

A visit to McDonald’s in Place Gambetta

Still from a source close to the case, the police have since tried to trace the victim’s journey. In particular, they discovered a receipt dated 2:28 a.m. in her wallet indicating that this woman went to McDonald’s on Place Gambetta (20th), a 5-minute walk from the building where the body was discovered. Investigators were then able to use video surveillance and recognized the victim in the fast food restaurant. They saw him leaving the McDonald’s, but then lost track of him.

For his part, the caretaker of the building where the body was found claims to have returned to his lodge after his prayer at 5:50 a.m. without having seen the woman in the hall at that time.

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