a “witch hunt” for supporters of the former president

To hear the Governor of Florida, the United States is now “a banana republic”. On Twitter, Ron de Santis evokes a “further escalation in the militarization of federal agencies”. For supporters of former US President Donald Trump, the search of his Mar-A-Lago residence in Palm Beach, Florida is the illustration of a “witch hunt” to the former head of state. Since Monday, August 8 in the evening, outraged reactions have multiplied among the conservatives. The boss of the deputies, Kevin McCarthy denounces an intolerable instrumentalization for political purposes. “This is what happens in third world countries”add the Republicans of the House Judiciary Committee.

All make Donald Trump the victim of the system and the Democrats in power, like his son Eric Trump, on the Fox News channel. “This is madness! How many times can they cry wolf? The FBI dragged this country to hell for three years and again they besiege its house? When will they stop? Too much is too much. When will they leave a human being who has given his country so much the benefit of the doubt?”

This search at Mar-A-Lago is an exceptional operation, carried out with an arrest warrant obtained from a federal judge, within the framework of a very real procedure opened against the ex-president. Donald Trump has indeed left the White House with documents, sometimes classified, instead of transferring them to the National Archives, as the law required. The FBI has not yet commented, unlike Donald Trump, who has spoken on the Truth Social network : “Our nation is living in dark times. My magnificent residence is besieged and occupied by a large group of FBI agents […] They even broke into my trunk!”

But this is not the only investigation that targets the former president. First, the highly publicized hearings held at the beginning of the summer in Congress around the Capitol riots: the role of Donald Trump during this event was at the heart of the debates and testimonies. So far, no prosecution has been initiated against the former head of state, but it is not excluded.

Other proceedings are also open in New York, one civil and the other criminal, about the tax manipulations of the Trump Organization. Finally, in Georgia, an investigation is underway, centered on the pressure exerted by Donald Trump after the last presidential election. During a phone call, he asked to be “find” nearly 10,000 votes to overturn the election. Particularly serious accusations that could prove to be a brake on his ambitions for 2024.

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