A wild boar hunt is organized at the Périgueux golf course because of the damage

The Périgueux golf course in Marsac-sur-l’Isle closes this Saturday January 15 from 8:30 am and for several hours because a wild boar beat is organized on the 45 hectares of the establishment by decision of the Dordogne prefecture. It is therefore abouta so-called administrative beat and supervised by a louveterie lieutenant.

Daily damage since last August

The management of the Golf de Périgueux explains that damage has been daily on the green since last August with wild boars turning over the grass with their snouts. To scare them away, several interventions have already taken place claims management like night shots. The administrative beat seems to be the “last resort” for the director. Around the golf course, are also located a hotel, stadiums but also some homes in the Gour de l’Arche district.

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