a wild boar causes a pile-up between three cars in Villiers-Charlemagne

Funny start to New Year’s Eve for ten Mayennais. Around 8 p.m. this Friday December 31, a wild boar caused an accident involving three cars in Villiers-Charlemagne in South Mayenne. Only one of the ten passengers was slightly injured, he was transported to the Center Hospitalier de Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne.

At around 10 a.m. the firefighters were called in for a pile-up between three cars on the departmental 20 which links Villiers-Charlemagne to Évron. At least one of the vehicles allegedly struck a boar. The 10 passengers in total were quickly taken care of by the firefighters. A 71-year-old woman was slightly injured, she was transported to the hospital in Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne.

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