a white march organized in his memory in Cagnac-Les-Mines

Many relatives of Delphine Jubillar and inhabitants of Cagnac-Les-Mines gathered this Sunday afternoon on the occasion of a white march in memory of the young woman missing for a year. About 200 people came to ask for “justice and truth” for this mother and her children.

The voice and the trembling hands, the face beaded with tears: it is with the same emotion that the relatives of Delphine Jubillard spoke this Sunday afternoon at the opening of the white march organized for the first anniversary of her disappearance.

Aunt, cousin, friends … all came to pay homage to the one they have missed so much for a year. All also demanded “justice and truth” for the one whose body has still not been found.

A minute of silence in front of his old house

Relatives accompanied by many inhabitants of Cagnac-Les-Mines, also immersed in this much media affair.

Many wore a white ribbon, a symbol of the fight against violence against women.

After several speeches, the procession of about 200 people set off in the small town of Tarn before respecting a minute of silence in front of the former house of the missing nurse. It is here that the participants then placed flowers and candles in tribute to the young woman.

Cédric Jubbilar, Delphine’s husband is still the main suspect in this disappearance case. The 34-year-old painter-plasterer has been held in solitary confinement at the Seysses remand center, near Toulouse, since his indictment for intentional homicide by spouse on June 18.

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