a whale washes up on a beach, the third since the beginning of September in the department

The firefighters and the gendarmes are trying to put the cetacean back in the water, still alive and discovered Monday morning by walkers, according to the Finistère prefecture.

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A new cetacean stranding, eight days after the last recorded on the coast of Finistère. A whale was found on Monday, September 19, on a beach in Ploéven, where firefighters and gendarmes were trying to release the animal which was discovered still alive, announced the prefecture.

She reported at midday “of a stranding situation of a whale in Ploéven” for about eight hours, confirming information from the regional daily The Telegram. According to the newspaper, the animal measures about fifteen meters and was discovered Monday morning by walkers.

This is the third cetacean found stranded on a beach in Finistère since the beginning of September. Two whales were stranded a few days apart in Finistère, on the island of Sein, on September 2 and on a beach in Tréguennec, on September 10.

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