This week is the tenth edition of “Industry Week”. It is an operation organized by the Ministry of National Education and industry professionals, to enhance this sector of activity among young people. In Charente, several workshop visits were organized this week, to allow future apprentices to discover industrial trades. This is the case of the machine shop, at the training center of UIMM, the union of industries and metallurgy trades.
– Pierre MARSAT
In front of a numerically controlled machine, a dialogue begins between Benoît and Guillaume, students of the Second Chance School at La Couronne, and Valentin, Enzo and Noah, apprentices in the third year of the professional machining baccalaureate. Why do this job, ask visitors. To do something with our hands, respond the apprentices. In machining, only one young girl, Gladys 26, is currently preparing for the vocational baccalaureate. She branched out into industry, after having passed a health and social bac.
– Pierre MARSAT
The machining profession deserves to be better known, concedes the director of the UIMM training center in L’Isle-d’Espagnac. Machiners are in great demand by companies, but few candidates are trained. We must also change the image of this profession: it is not “Germinal”, parts today are machined automatically with numerical control machines.