a week dedicated to digital professions at Pôle Emploi

France Bleu Picardie: what will happen in the Pôle emploi agencies throughout this week?

Séverine Delong: many events. So you will have events throughout the Hauts de France region, especially in the Somme. Events in event agencies, in training centers, but also within companies that are recruiting. For example in Amiens, this Tuesday you will have a presentation of the position of web developer. You are going to have recruitments, acculturation around jobs that can be very different in digital.

Are there many vacancies in this rapidly expanding sector?

There are 2,000 offers in Hauts de France. 100 on the Somme who are present and available. Knowing that there is a factor that is new, it is that we are seeing the emergence of a relocation of companies in the digital sector, which are often in metropolitan areas. We also see that companies will recruit regardless of the region, since telework has been strongly mobilized in the digital sector and a trained job seeker who lives in the Somme can perfectly interest a company which can be in Ile de France or anywhere in France today.

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And what type of profiles can participate in these workshops? You must already have a little experience, a little training in the field or you can almost start from nothing?

The sector is always looking for profiles who will have some experience or certain diplomas between BAC +2 and BAC +5. But it is a sector which today is open to all profiles, even unqualified. So you have training available which can be short or longer depending on the trades for which these trainings will prepare, which are available. So, if you are curious, if you have a retraining project, if digital attracts you or if you just have no idea and want to be interested, you can register on the Pôle Emploi Hauts-de-France website. . You will have the details of the events taking place this week and in which you can participate and you will have the possibility of meeting professionals, discussing with training centers or expert advisers.

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