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The Beijing Olympics were shaping up to be a health headache and the confirmation is already there: less than a week before the launch of the events, despite the imposed bubble, around a hundred participants have already tested positive. The point with the correspondent of France 2 in Beijing, Arnauld Miguet.
“Six days before the start of the Winter Olympics, anxiety is mounting, (there are) 36 new cases of Covid-19, athletes, officials have tested positive on arrival in China, at the airport, or even inside the Olympic bubble”reports Arnauld Miguet, correspondent in Beijing for France 2. A hundred cases would be isolated for at least 10 days. “Imagine the apprehension of athletes who have been preparing for months, years, and who may see their Olympic dream shattered,” explains the journalist.
“But here, to enter this hermetically sealed Olympic bubble and arrive in China, you have to have four negative PCF tests, but the Chinese PCR tests are much more sensitive than ours, hence the unpleasant surprises”, explains Arnauld Miguet. “According to the Olympic Committee, the peak of Covid-19 in the bubble could be reached at the beginning of the week after the arrival of most delegations, including that of France”, concludes the journalist, live from Beijing.