a web radio and songs to support soldiers in combat

In the midst of the war in Ukraine, a radio station has given itself a mission: to support the morale of the troops. Her name is Radio Bayraktar, named after a Turkish combat drone that proved to be a formidable weapon against Russian forces, and it is attracting an increasingly large audience.

>> “With this, you kill the target precisely”: in kyiv, the intensive use of drones to fight the Russian army

Radio Bayraktar can be listened to on the internet and works very well among young Ukrainians eager for music. “We play songs that can be written by completely unknown people. The important thing is that the songs are patriotic and tell about the victory of Ukraine“, explains Oksana, who works for the TAVR Media group, to which the radio belongs.

The song Chornobaivka, for example, became a hit. Written at the end of February, it pays homage to the small town in Ukraine which gave its name to the song, and which has become one of the symbols of the resistance.

Its author, Micha, makes fun of the Russian army, which had to retreat many times: “Every time the Russians brought in soldiers, we Ukrainians bombed them. The Russians were sending soldiers back and we were bombing them again. They didn’t learn from it. They have already been attacked 25 times in Chornobaivka. But they always come back.”

From a perfect stranger, Micha has become a star in Ukraine. Today, everyone is humming his song, which mocks the Russians with caustic humor, as the Ukrainians have shown since the beginning of the conflict:

“I wanted people to laugh during the war because if they stay sad, they can go mad.”

With his raw language, Chornobaivka has over two million views on YouTube. A success that Micha did not expect. He has already written his next title. It will discuss the latest attacks carried out by Ukraine against Russian military installations in Crimea.

In Ukraine, a radio broadcasts songs to support soldiers in combat – Report by Valérie Crova and Arthur Gerbault

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