A web campaign to reach victims of sexual exploitation

As part of the National Day for the Fight against the Sexual Exploitation of Minors, seven centers for assistance and the fight against sexual assault (CALACS) are launching a campaign this Friday aimed at girls aged 14 to 25, more easier to reach on the internet than in public places with the pandemic.

Posted at 11:00 a.m.

Valerie Simard

Valerie Simard
The Press

The campaign “It’s not a game” aims to raise awareness of the issues of sexual exploitation through a microsite and short animated films built around the story of three girls, inspired by the experiences of teenage girls and young women attending the CALACS. “The bottom line for us is that the girls who visit the microsite, those struggling with sexual exploitation, those who know someone who is or just those who are just wondering, come away feeling that their situation can improve, that there is information and resources in their region,” says Jade Goulet, psychosocial worker and project manager in sexual exploitation at CALACS Coup de cœur.

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