Children from all over the world presented Thursday on more than 80 channels, including France 2 and CNN, an imaginary weather flash from 2050. This operation, sponsored by the UN, aims to warn of the climate disasters that await future generations.
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The “weather kids”, the “children of the weather”, Noam, Kaylee or Esteban, presented on Thursday March 21, 2024, in many languages, a climate bulletin which began as follows: “From North to South and from South to North, climate-wise, nothing is going well!” A banner suggests the forecasts for 2050: “When we grow up, I’ll let you imagine, droughts, heatwaves, forest fires, that’s scary, isn’t it?” The child continues with a frightening fact, which “will cost us a lot of money” : in 2050, the amount of global warming is estimated at 600,000 billion dollars. A price that children will have to pay.
This operation, organized by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in cooperation with the World Meteorological Organization, enabled the broadcast of this video on more than 80 television channels around the world, notably France 2, Rai or CNN, as well as on numerous internet platforms.
“For us, this is our future”
This is not the first United Nations Development campaign on the climate crisis. Already in 2021, the UNDP sent a dinosaur in computer-generated images, “Frankie the dino”, on a mission to the United Nations General Assembly hall, to carry this message: “At least we dinosaurs had an asteroid, but what’s your excuse, humans? Don’t choose extinction, save your species before it’s too late.”
Since Frankie, who presents himself on social networks as the “only survivor of the asteroid, troubled by humans”never stopped carrying his message, without much result.
If it is too late for the dinosaurs, for these children, there is still time to change the predictions which depend solely on adults, their actions or their inaction. And the children conclude: “For you, this may just be a weather flash, but for us, this is our future.”