a way to combat isolation


Video length: 2 min

On-demand transport: combating isolation

In Alsace, solidarity taxis and minibuses are set up to combat the isolation of residents in villages cut off from shops and public transport. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – A.Étienne, H.Strobel

France Televisions

In Alsace, solidarity taxis and minibuses are set up to combat the isolation of residents in villages cut off from shops and public transport.

Marie Daentzer is a solidarity taxi, she travels the Alsatian countryside according to the needs of the inhabitants. Once a month, for example, she comes to pick up Cindy to take her to the pharmacy or even Sandra who, without a license and without a car, cannot transport her shopping bags home. “Without this service we would be lost“, she says at the microphone of Franceinfo. The service is set up by the community of municipalities and only costs the user three euros.

The “TaxiVal”, minibus on demand

In the Villé valley (Bas-Rhin), an on-demand minibus is the solution for small isolated villages. The “TaxiVal” is most of the time driven by volunteers, often retired, who transport dependent people to medical appointments. The initiative also allows us to build links. “I have my little friends from the solidarity taxi who are both charming, very human”, enthuses Nicole, TaxiVal user. In twenty years of existence, on-demand transport has enabled dozens of seniors to stay at home and fight against isolation.

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