Video length: 4 mins.
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In September it is the election of delegates but since 2020, each middle and high school class must also elect one or more eco-delegates. The chronicle “1 planet, solutions”, produced by NOWU in partnership with France Info, looks back on this role which allows students to improve their school on the ecology side.
Eco-delegates are ambassadors for the planet in their school.
Their mission is, among other things, to raise awareness among students and school staff about ecology and to set up various and varied projects (workshops to raise awareness of climate change, measures to limit food waste in the canteen or even incentives to reduce energy consumption).
For instance, if each class saves 5 minutes of light per day, that’s more than a million minutes of light saved every day.
In terms of instructions, taking action as an eco-delegate means first of all identifying the points on which your establishment can make progress, before getting started and talking about it with the right people, to make a budget if necessary, and finally to evaluate if what we have put in place has worked well.
Eco-delegates are accompanied in their approach by an Education for Sustainable Development referent who can be named among teachers, CPEs, etc.
In the end, it’s a lot of learning and good experiences that the students take with them at the end of the year.
I was able to learn more about the when and how of global warming, participate in projects like sorting in the canteen, and get to know how my school works.
Maya Ross, former eco-delegate
For motivated people, it is possible to find out more on the NOWU site, where you will find a lot of advice to green your daily life!
NOWU it’s the positive medium for getting informed and getting active for the planet! Its mission: to enable young Europeans to become actors in the face of environmental challenges through content that relieves guilt and is focused on solutions.