a wave sweeps away parents and one of their sons


France 3

Article written by

C. Verove, G. Bron, V. Morzadec, C. Apiou – France 3

France Televisions

While parents and one of their children, aged 12, were on a dike in Plogoff in Finistère, Thursday, May 19, they were surprised and then swept away by a wave. Witnesses to the scene, their three other children watched helplessly as they witnessed this tragedy.

The swell on this Breton coast, Thursday, May 19, was deadly. Two parents and their four children were fishing in the early evening, on a hold of Pors Loubous in Plogoff, Finistère. When suddenly, a wave carried away their parents and one of their 12-year-old sons, under the eyes of the three other children. Three helicopters are dispatched to the scene, helped by fishermen and rescuers at sea. It will take three hours for the hundred rescuers to bring up the bodies without being able to resuscitate them.

The three orphaned teenagers are hospitalized in a state of shock. The family had recently moved to the neighboring town of Audierne, where they ran a pizzeria. The drama shakes the merchants of the district, Friday, May 20. Was the family careless? On Thursday, however, there was no contraindication to walking along the dike. The investigation was entrusted to the Quimper prosecutor’s office to elucidate the exact conditions of the incident.

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