A warmer than normal month of September

The month of September still has hot and humid days in store for us, according to Environment Canada. The Press went to meet Montrealers who were enjoying the sun on Saturday, and the longer summers do not please everyone.

Posted at 5:00 a.m.

Delphine Belzile

Delphine Belzile
The Press

MétéoMédia announces maximums above 20 ° C, over the next two weeks in the metropolis. Generally, the average temperature for the month of September is 15.5°C in the Montreal region, says Environment Canada.

“We have had warmer than normal September months for a few years,” says Guillaume Perron, meteorologist for Environment Canada.

On Saturday, the mercury rose to 28°C in Montreal. The hot and sunny day brought together many strollers in Old Montreal and in the parks of the metropolis. Summer is coming to an end, but the temperatures are still telling us otherwise.

A summer that tends to stretch

Claudia Rock and her husband were strolling through Montreal’s Chinatown on Saturday afternoon with their daughters and spouses. The couple are not apprehensive about the arrival of autumn when they are still taking advantage of the good weather to go for walks and bike rides. Both are even happy that the summers are getting longer. When fall sets in, it’s a sign that winter is coming, says Claudia Rock. “I find the winter too long, too long,” she laments.

Ahmed Aissat takes advantage of the sunny days to relax in the park. In all honesty, he’s “not too” looking forward to the fall, he says. A year ago, Ahmed Aissat left Algeria to settle in Montreal. In his eyes, fall has its charm, but he is still struggling to adapt to the cold weather in Quebec.

Weather forecasts do not indicate a major summer heat wave between now and the end of the month, mentions Guillaume Perron. Nevertheless, we are not “sheltered from heat waves”, underlines the meteorologist. In 2017, southern Quebec recorded a five-day heat wave between September 23 and 27. The thermometer showed 31.1°C in Montreal during this period.

“What changes a lot with climate change is variability. We observe extremes more often,” explains Jean-Pierre Blanchet, professor of earth and atmospheric sciences at the University of Quebec in Montreal.

Autumn is long overdue for some

By the end of October, the average temperature is expected to reach around 13°C, according to trends recorded by Environment Canada.

For Karima Lafore and her friend, autumn is synonymous with freshness. The two young adults await the season with open arms. “I’m ready to pick apples and harvest pumpkins,” exclaims Karima Lafore.

Same scenario for Lysane Guindon, who is looking forward to the color season. “It looks like it’s getting hotter and hotter. I can’t wait for the fall, for the weather to cool down,” she says. For Lysane Guindon, fall is a time for rest and reading as the days get shorter.

Despite the heat wave recorded last May, Quebec was spared by major heat waves. Temperatures even followed normal this summer, according to Guillaume Perron. “Compared to previous years, this is not a summer that will be remembered for its warmth. »

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