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In Ukraine, a first war crime trial could take place. That of a 21-year-old Russian soldier accused of having killed a civilian. As proof, images from the CCTV cameras of a car dealership near kyiv.
The scene takes place in a suburb of kyiv (Ukraine) it is filmed by a surveillance camera of a car dealership. We are on March 19, five Russian soldiers enter the site. Hands raised, the owners and the Ukrainian goalkeeper come to meet them. The Russian soldiers search their clothes and talk calmly. A few minutes later, the men return to their post. It was then that two Russian soldiers bypassed the building and opened fire.
Two civilians, mown from behind when they were unarmed. One of the two injured manages to get up, it is the 68-year-old guard, who manages to reach the guard post, takes his phone and warns a member of the Ukrainian civil army. When the Ukrainian troops arrive on the scene, the guard is unconscious, but still alive. He lost a lot of blood and died some time later. Her daughter is devastated by the violence of the images. The Ukrainian authorities have opened a war crime investigation.