[À VOIR] He hits the road with an uncleared car in Montreal

Road conditions were difficult in Montreal on Friday, but some motorists were more reckless than others.

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User @IanLavalleee posted a video that went viral on TikTok showing a motorist venturing down a street…without clearing much of the snow from his car. “I’m speechless,” he wondered.

The windshield was completely covered in snow, as can be seen in the extract seen more than 378,000 times.

In the comments of the publication, Internet users made fun of the driver’s reckless action.

“I often see people who are too cowardly to clear their car like people,” said one user.

“He likes to live dangerously!!!”, underlines another.

An offense monitored by the police

On its Twitter account, the Quebec City Police Service reminds motorists of the consequences of not clearing their vehicle properly.

“Window not clear, snow that can detach from the vehicle and invisible plate…Possibility of a hundred dollars in fines + an obligation to clear the snow from your car before you can leave. […]“, can we read.

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