[À VOIR] A motorist hits a stroller in Outremont and flees

Montreal police are investigating a hit and run involving a car that allegedly ran into a stroller in the Outremont neighborhood last Wednesday.

“I heard a big bang and people screaming. I rushed to make sure the baby was OK. When I turned around, the car was gone,” said Moshe Sheiner, who volunteers as a paramedic with Hatzoloh, the Montreal Jewish community’s emergency medical team.

“The baby was well protected in the stroller, it’s a miracle that nothing happened to him”, drops the father of a large family.

He claims that four other people witnessed the scene, including an Outremont borough employee and the woman carrying the stroller.

The latter, who is not the mother, but a babysitter, is still in a state of shock, according to Mr. Sheiner.

Surveillance camera

The disturbing events took place on November 16, around 2:40 p.m., and were captured by a surveillance camera.

We see the driver omitting to make a mandatory stop, at the intersection of Bloomfield and Lajoie streets, and even accelerating towards the woman who was crossing the street with the coach.

At the last second, the woman manages to dodge the black car, but the stroller is hit head-on and appears to be thrown several feet.

“When the police arrived, the child had already been brought to a hospital center by Urgences-santé,” explained Jeanne Drouin, spokesperson for the SPVM, adding that the toddler had not, however, suffered any injuries.

Mr Sheiner hopes the driver will be arrested and unable to drive again.

“There are a lot of large families in the neighborhood and children crossing the street. It’s not safe,” says the father.

Witnesses met

“I am in shock after watching this video. I am in communication with the SPVM and I hope that they will be able to quickly identify the driver of the vehicle. Despite all this, I am relieved to learn that the child is doing well, ”responded Tuesday evening on Twitter Laurent Desbois, mayor of the borough of Outremont.

Witnesses were interviewed and surveillance videos were also viewed in order to shed light on these events.

With QMI Agency

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