From next year, the city of Bordeaux and the department of Gironde in particular, will launch the experimentation of a vital card of food.
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The department of Gironde, the city of Bordeaux, a collective of associations (Acclimat’action) and around forty citizens are currently working on the establishment of social security for food, reports France Bleu Gironde on Wednesday May 31. .
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It is a vital food card similar to a classic vital card except that it does not allow you to go to the doctor but to do your shopping. The goal is to allow people in precarious situations to be able to buy quality food from approved, local producers chosen on different criteria.
A round table took place on Tuesday, May 30 in Bordeaux to draw up the outlines of this project, several points of which remain to be defined, such as the Girondin territories concerned by the experiment or even the amount paid into the card each month. This food social security experiment should begin in 2024 and is scheduled to last one year.