a virus and different political measures



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Since the start of 2020, the Covid-19 has hit the world. As the planet enters its second year of life under Covid, each country adopts different sanitary measures. Vincent Bordenave, journalist from the Figaro science department is on the 11 p.m..

Author of “Covid-19, truths and legends“Vincent Bordenave, journalist in the science department of Le Figaro, explains that once the pandemic has stopped, it will be interesting to take stock of the health measures.The best policy, will it be the one that cost the least life, or the one that offered the fewest days in confinement … ? “, he said. Vincent Bordenave also evokes the “zero covid” policies, practiced in China, Australia and New Zealand. While mortality is low in these countries, the mental health of residents can be affected because of the multiple lockdowns.

Vincent Bordenave explains that France has adapted its measures. At the start of the epidemic, France seemed to want to favor collective immunity before opting for strict containment in spring 2020. A measurement “disproportionate” according to him. If today the daily number of cases is breaking records, the vaccination is changing the deal and allows to approach the Omicron wave with “a measured dose of optimism“.

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