Imagine a cordless leash where there is no more rope. So nothing more to hold (we keep our hands free). No more getting tangled around trees and posts. And nothing more that pulls on the dog’s neck.
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This wireless leash comes in two parts: a box that attaches to the dog’s collar and another that you keep in your pocket. It is on this box that we will set the maximum distance at which the dog can move away (one meter, two meters, ten meters… It’s as if we were setting the length of the leash). Then everything goes on the casing around the dog’s neck. As soon as it approaches the limit, an alert will sound. And if he goes beyond it, you have the choice between the collar which simply starts to vibrate or it sends a small electric shock to warn him that he has gone too far.
Once again, it’s up to you. But if you don’t want to have the SPA on your back, it’s better to settle for the vibration and the alarm.
Problem is, if the dog starts jumping on someone, we can’t stop it. But the objective is not really to replace the traditional leash, especially in the city. It’s more about giving your dog a perimeter of freedom when you walk in the open air, when you go hiking or on a bike ride. This keeps your hands free and ensures the dog won’t stray too far.
In the city, a good old wired leash remains essential, sometimes even obligatory.
This device must still require some learning. Otherwise the dog may not understand the alarms and vibrations. It is a system sold for around €400 by the Heel company. She claims to have invented the first cordless leash. But it is rather a derivative of the virtual fences already used for livestock. They avoid installing barriers. We define a GPS zone in which the animal can move freely. And when he arrives at the edge, he is warned with a noise or a sensation on the collar. It’s the same principle, but with a zone that moves around the master.