A violent storm hits the Art Rock festival in Saint-Brieuc

The first drops started at 6 p.m., before the deluge. A violent storm fell on the region of Saint-Brieuc this Friday, June 3, 2022 on the occasion of the opening of the 39th edition of the Art Rock festival. The rain increased in intensity during the concert on rapper gazo on the main stage of the Festival.

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After two editions canceled because of the Covid, it had to be watered down, laughs Laurence, a festival-goer taking refuge under a porch.

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In the neighboring town of Trégueux, Steven Tual raises 34 mm, the equivalent of three weeks of rain in 1 hourspecifies the forecaster of Météo Bretagne.

Mudslides were also reported on the port of Légué in Saint-Brieuc and Plérin.

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