“A vinyl or CD discotheque passes the time very well”, underlines Bertrand Burgalat, president of SNEP

The French love music. To satisfy it, they are ready to pay. Last year, sales of recorded music increased by 14.3%, according to the annual report of SNEP (National Union of Phonographic Publishers). While streaming continues to grow, CD sales are also up: +10%. Eco guest of franceinfo, Bertrand Burgalat, president of SNEP, has his explanation: “A vinyl or CD disco, it passes the time very well“.

I think there’s an attachment to the physical object,” he explains, “whether it’s the vinyl or the CD“. The producer also finds that young people, “because they appreciate such an artist, will buy the CD, including in rap“. According to him, “these two very different ways of listening complement each other“: “What interests me is the music, whatever the medium!“.

That said, digital sales confirm their dominance. They represent 70% of total sales. According to SNEP, approximately 22 million people listen to music via streaming, including 14 million via paid streaming. “We still have growth prospects“, believes Bertrand Burgalat.

The platforms have recently increased their prices. The president of SNEP, who is first and foremost a musician, believes that this will not discourage amateurs: “Listening to music is permanent and its cost is derisory“.

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