a victim says he was assaulted by surprise in the shower

In her testimony broadcast in court in Chester, England, a 32-year-old woman explains how the footballer tried to rape her.

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She had come to find a member of Benjamin Mendy’s entourage in his house and was taking a shower when the footballer attacked her, said an alleged victim during the trial of the French football player. LThe recorded testimony of this 32-year-old woman was broadcast on Wednesday August 17 in court in Chester, in the north of England.

According to her account, the facts took place in October 2018. A year earlier, she met Benjamin Mendy in Barcelona (Spain), she was interested in one of his relatives. She had agreed to meet him at the footballer’s home in Prestbury, near Manchester, on October 24. After going out with a group to a restaurant and two nightclubs in the city, she had spent the night with her friend at Benjamin Mendy’s house.

The next day, again according to the victim’s testimony, the footballer, dressed only in boxers, entered the room while she was taking a shower and dragged her onto the bed, attempting to rape her. “He got very close, but I pushed him away as hard as I could”, she described. Then she says she thought: “What’s going on? Do I have to yell? It won’t do any good, he’s in his territory.”

Aged 28, the French defender, suspended for a year by Manchester City, appears for eight rapes, an attempted rape and a sexual assault against seven women. The prosecution presented him as a “predator” having abused victims “vulnerable, terrified and isolated”. He denies the ten charges brought against him for facts which allegedly took place between October 2018 and August 2021 at his home. He faces life imprisonment.

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