a very pissed off ex-teacher rebels a few hours before the big comeback!

She was a formidable and feared teacher. The elders still remember it! At the Château de Dammary-les-Lys, Raphaëlle Ricci had a strong character which often left the candidates with a bitter taste after a session of scenic expression. On the occasion of the resumption of this flagship program which began twenty years ago on the first channel, some former students do not hesitate to contest today the pikes and the remarks then suffered at the time. Elodie Frégé, who had won season 3 by generously sharing her prize with her friend Michal, has just released a bomb. Target ? Well Raphaëlle Ricci of course. The latter would have been particularly hard with the pretty redhead, even humiliating…. about his weight! Shocked, she had thus revealed in the book “All for music” by Chloé Thibaud, which will be published on October 20 next editions Hugo Image: “But damn, you were not at ease at all, how did they fagot you? You had rolls under your buttocks!”. Very annoyed by this late attack, the coach who has now become a sophrologist was quick to draw her “right of reply” via Facebook this Friday, October 14: “I have always assumed everything I have said and done. There it turns out that I absolutely never used the words related by Elodie to quote me”, she explains, in the caption of a photo of the singer.

“I took it out on the rolls… of clothing”

And to continue: “At the time, I was struggling with my anorexia and I never attacked anyone on their body or their morphology. So I’m going to believe that’s a misinterpretation. On the other hand, what happened sometimes was that I attacked the clothes of certain candidates, hence the possible clothing bulges.” Finally to conclude: “Another thing, always concerning the words of Elodie who quotes me: the word “fagoté” is not part of my vocabulary! I think she must have confused it with her grandmother’s. I’m talking about clothes, that’s my word for clothes. That’s it, end of the little update”, she therefore replied … adding again like a new spade to the main interested party: “I always find it a shame to victimize myself to try to talk about yourself, but that does not never sold an album, or a book, or a show… (…)Finally, I very much hope that I will be left behind (and not left) finally peace with Star Ac, which will certainly be the case tomorrow ”.

It is true that these remarks, whether or not they were made at the time, would not pass at all today! Philosopher and very attentive to others, Michael Goldman, the new director, will above all have the difficult task for this 2022 season of creating a positive and stimulating environment for his young recruits aged 18 to 28. Too bad for the tackles… although we love that!

France Live

See also:

Matthieu Delormeau forced to refuse DALS!

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