“A very bad deal for everyone”, judges General Dominique Trinquand



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Australia has put an end to the conflict which poisoned relations between Canberra and Paris after the termination without notice of the order for French submarines by offering Naval group compensation of 555 million euros, or “1% of the total contract”, explains General Trinquand.

“Everything has been bad politically, industrially and in terms of defence”concerning the contract for the purchase of French submarines canceled by Australia, estimates on Saturday June 11 on franceinfo General Dominique Trinquand, military expert and former head of the French military mission to the UN in New York, after the French industrialist Naval group has accepted compensation of 555 million euros for the breach by the Australian State of the initial contract of 56 billion.

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This compensation “represents 1% of the total of the contract which will have cost the whopping two and a half billion to the Australian taxpayer”points out the military leader who also underlines the fact that “the Australian government which had decided to break the contract was swept away in the elections and a Labor government came into place, which wants to restore good relations with France”.

“The submarines that France was proposing allowed Australian industry to build and have the capacity to build submarines in Australia that would be available in 2030. Now they will have the eventual capacity to have submarines imported in 2040”, points out General Trinquand. It’s a “very bad deal for everyone”he summarizes.

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