a veiled woman criticized in Marseille, Camille Lellouche ulcerated, she comes out of her hinges!

When something pleases her, she does not hesitate to let it be known. But this is also the case when something bothers her and she has to rant. Indeed, Camille Lellouche may be appreciated for her great humor and her talent in song, but her fans can also salute her outspokenness and the fact that she never hesitates to let out a rant when something annoys him.

She proved it a few weeks ago by posting a strange message on her Instagram account. The one who reached the end of season 2 of Lol, who laughs comes outon Prime Video, indeed posted a text suggesting that a “friend” would have betrayed her. “Some are friends when you give them everything. But when it goes more in their direction, you see their true face even after several years… Preserve yourself”. A message of prevention acting as a rant that Camille Lellouche still wanted to qualify.

Camille Lellouche denounces racism

“People who truly love you will not invent a painful life for you when you are more than happy. They will be happy for you, sincerely. […] Thanks for being there for real. Still”, she continued, thanking her true friends. This Friday, May 13, it was not to talk about friendship that Camille Lellouche took over her Instagram account but rather to denounce the racism suffered by a young veiled woman in Marseille, after having published the video of the ‘altercation.

She was waiting at Valley office in the 12th arrondissement of Marseille, as a surfer points out, before being approached by an individual throwing at him: “I’m not comfortable with your veil”. The individual in question seeming to be a seller of the sign, the victim of these racist remarks then threw at him: “Am I scaring you?”. Before the author of the disparaging remarks answers him in the affirmative. A sequence which made Camille Lellouche come out of its hinges who qualified the sequence as “ashamed” and “deplorable”.

See also: Rayane Bensetti kisses Camille Lellouche full on the lips


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