The 60 Millions de consommateurs association analyzed 26 references of bagged salads.
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A very large majority of bagged salads are contaminated by pesticides, some of which by molecules “carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction (CMR)”according to a survey by the 60 Million Consumers association, published Thursday March 28.
For this survey, 60 Million consumers analyzed 26 salad references (13 classic lettuces and 13 lamb’s lettuce, conventional, organic or “without pesticide residue”). Nearly seven out of ten households buy these packaged salads, according to the association. Of these 26 references of ready-to-use lamb’s lettuce and lettuce, only five are free from any contamination, according to the investigation. Among the other bagged salads, 28 different molecules were detected, including eight suspected of being molecules “carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction (CMR)”list of molecules established by the European agency Echa (European Chemicals Agency).
“If the quantities of residues found remain within regulatory limits, at an average of 3.8 molecules found per salad, we are entitled to wonder about a possible cocktail effect”writes 60 Million Consumers.