a vandalized Muslim cemetery, an investigation by the police

Visitors discovered dozens of vandalized graves on Saturday morning. “We cannot accept that we commit this kind of act”, declared the mayor of Mulhouse, Michèle Lutz, who went there to condemn the facts.

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Several dozen graves were vandalized in the Muslim square of the Mulhouse cemetery (Haut-Rhin), France Bleu Alsace reported on Saturday 11 December. An investigation was opened by the Mulhouse police.

It was visitors who discovered dozens of vandalized graves on Saturday. Flowerpots were knocked over, plants pulled up and ornaments moved. “It was catastrophic. There were flowerpots everywhere, little out of place statues. I don’t have the words.”, says Mohammed, one of the first visitors to have warned the police and elected officials, after taking photos of the damage.

“We cannot accept that we commit this kind of act”, said the mayor of the city, Michèle Lutz, who went there to condemn the facts. “We cannot speak of desecration. We are in an isolated act of misdeeds and stupidity. But it is serious enough. We do not touch these kinds of symbols”, she added.

In shock, around thirty people from the Muslim community gathered in the cemetery to clean up the damage.

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