Like what exists in hospitals, litigants will have their say on the functioning of the institution.
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No less than 2,500 people cross the threshold of the Lyon courthouse every day. Next week, they will be distributed a questionnaire: “Are the venues suitable? Did the hearings start on time? Was the language used clear? that the lawyer who is by your side before, during and after the hearing accompanied you well?, details Michaël Janas, the president of the tribunal de grande instance. All of these questions are, in fact, essential.”
“When you come to see your future decided, all the conditions must be met so that the justice rendered is of the best possible quality.”
Michael Janasat franceinfo
At the same time, a users’ committee has been set up. The officials of the jurisdiction went on a study visit to a hospital to draw inspiration from what exists in terms of health. Ten citizens form this committee, some sent by victim support associations. Also involved, the representative of the Defender of Rights in the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region, Charlotte Deluce, who is regularly seized of complaints about justice. “We are often asked about questions of deadlines, to obtain a hearing date or a court decision. We are also asked about a lack of information. When a complaint has been filed, for example the fact that the person is not was not aware of the follow-up given.”
Towards an action plan in 2024
Ultimately, the institution represented by Nicolas Jacquet, the public prosecutor, will have to provide concrete answers. “Some will relate to questions of organization and operation and can be implemented quite easily. Others, from my point of view, indeed, could require resources. It is up to us to seek these resources in a context in which we know they are going to happen since the budget allocated to the Ministry of Justice is unprecedented. I find it quite remarkable that all the magistrates and civil servants of this jurisdiction, the lawyers too, agree to enter into this logic to be evaluated by those for whom we work on a daily basis, that is to say the litigants.”
Analysis of the questionnaires and regular consultation of the users’ committee: all this should lead to the development of an action plan in early 2024.
Lyon: a committee of users at the TGI – Report by Mathilde Imberty