The Russian opponent’s lawyers have not been able to meet him since December 6 and have had no news from him.
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A UN human rights expert expressed concern on Monday, December 18, about the “forced disappearance” by Alexei Navalny. The lawyers of the Russian opponent, who was imprisoned in 2021 after surviving an assassination attempt by poisoning, have not been able to meet him since December 6 and have not heard from him. This could be explained by his transfer to another prison with a stricter regime, a procedure which often takes weeks in Russia, an immense territory meshed with penitentiary establishments inherited from the Soviet era and many of which are located in reclusive regions. from the country.
Alexeï Navalny’s spokesperson specified that the lawyers of his Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) contacted “more than 200 pre-trial detention centers” to try to locate. They have not received a response at this stage. For its part, the court in the Vladimir region, where Alexei Navalny was previously imprisoned, declared that “two hearings (…) have been postponed” because of “the impossibility” from the anti-corruption activist “to ensure his participation”according to the Ria Novosti agency.
“It worries me very much that the Russian authorities are not revealing the whereabouts [Alexeï] Navalny and what is his state of health for such a prolonged period, which amounts to enforced disappearance”, lamented Mariana Katzarova, United Nations special rapporteur on the human rights situation in Russia. She said she had expressed her concerns to the Russian authorities.