Heavy toll in the capital of the separatist zone of Donetsk (Ukraine). A hit “punitive” in the west of the city killed 13 civilians on Monday, September 19, accused the pro-Russian mayor of the city, Alexei Kemzouline, on Telegram messaging. Two children would be among the victims, reports a journalist from France 2 on Twitter, citing local Telegram channels. For his part, Alexei Kemzouline also specified that “the number of injured (was) still being established”and he called on the population to “Do not go out unless absolutely necessary”. Follow our live.
OSCE employee sentenced to 13 years in prison by pro-Russian separatists. Judges of the Supreme Court of the separatist Luhansk region “recognize Dmitri Chabanov guilty (…) and sentence him to serve a 13-year prison sentence”, the institution said on Monday, quoted by the Ria-Novosti agency. Imprisoned since April, Dmitri Chabanov was accused by the pro-Russian authorities of having provided “confidential information” to foreign intelligence services, including the American CIA.
Moscow describes as a “lie” the discovery of hundreds of bodies in Izium (Ukraine). Russia has denied its involvement in the deaths of hundreds of people, whose bodies were discovered in Iziumin the east of the country. “It’s a lie. We will of course defend the truth in this case”, said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov. According to the Ukrainian authorities, more than 440 graves and a mass grave were found in mid-September in a forest on the edge of this city, taken over by Ukrainian forces from the Russian army.