a Ukrainian refugee works in a school canteen in Isère


Article written by

Rhône-Alpes, D. Borelly, D. Semet, L. Bouchaud – France 3

France Televisions

Monday, April 4, nearly 4 million Ukrainians fled their country because of the war in Ukraine. In Sappey-en-Chartreuse (Isère), the school canteen hired Svitlana, a Ukrainian refugee.

It took less than a week for CP students from Sappey-en-Chartreuse (Isère) to adopt their new assistant. Svitlana Chernetska, a Ukrainian refugee, arrived Friday April 1 at the Sappey school. From the height of their six years, the little schoolchildren quickly understood that she came from afar. “In her country, there is war and, suddenly, she fled her country”explains a little girl.

The young woman was hired on a seasonal contract by the intermunicipal union to lend a hand to the staff of the school canteen. “It’s like I’ve worked here all my life. I love the kids, they’re so cute”, rejoices Svitlana Chernetska. She has just started taking French lessons. For now, communication is through smiles, signs and translation on the Internet.

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