a TV star gets involved and attacks the host!

The FIFA World Cup in Qatar is controversial and many denounce the competition organized by FIFA this year for various reasons, ecological, social and societal. Decisions are beginning to be made, such as that ofAnne Hidalgo who wishes to boycott the event in Paris, no offense to football fans. Among them, Cyril Hanouna, who got carried away last night, October 6, on the set of “TPMP”. “But what hypocrisy, but without kidding, but she doesn’t want to keep her mouth shut, he dropped, speaking of Anne Hidalgo. Before continuing: “No, but without kidding, she’s not going to put up giant screens to watch the matches. But who is she going to penalize? The French, she’s going to penalize people who want to go and see the matches, she’s going to penalize the players If they had the balls, they would have said ‘well, we’re not doing the World Cup’ But there’s no need to wake up now, we’ve known for years that it’s going to happen at the Qatar the World Cup huh. It’s now that they wake up and all the mayors are ‘oh we’re not going to put giant screens’. But shut your mouths.”

Applauded by the public and some columnists, Cyril Hanouna does not receive the same treatment on the Web. And that’s understandable, ranting insults live on TV is no. A star of the small screen gets involved and attacks the host on Twitter. “It’s not a guest who slips, a duplex interview that crosses the line… No, it’s the host of a show who, live, insults elected officials and in particular the Mayor of Paris, @ Anne_Hidalgo This is where the public debate is in our country. Hello @Arcom_fr?”, wrote Audrey Pulvar on October 7. And this is not the only one, other people attack Cyril Hanouna in this way. “Is so much stupidity and vulgarity necessary to defend the organization of the World Cup in Qatar, in defiance of human rights and the safeguard of the planet? Fortunately, the city of Paris, like many others, will not join not at this event! @Anne_Hidalgo”protested Rémi Féraud, a socialist senator.

Laura Bertrand

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