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More than 100,000 civilians are believed to still be stranded in Mariupol, Ukraine. Moscow promised a truce to allow their evacuation. Although suspicious, Ukraine sent, Thursday, March 31st, dozens of buses.
In the middle of a neighborhood in ruins, where some buildings are still in flames, a resident of Mariupol (Ukraine) films his family and his few suitcases. They hope to leave town. “We’ve been awake since 5 am this morning. We packed our bags and hope to leave. What we’ve been through, I don’t wish it on anyone“, said the man.
The convoys are en route, Thursday, March 31: dozens of buses, intended for the evacuation of the population of Mariupol. Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk assures that “45 buses left“in the morning. According to the associations, more than 100,000 civilians are still trapped in Mariupol, a city bombed by Russian aircraft. The mayor of the town, Vadym Boïchenko, asks the international community to act as quickly as possible.”Our water and food resources are running out“, he added.
The Red Cross says it is ready to begin evacuating civilians from Friday, April 1, if security conditions are met.