A trip around the Earth in “13 à table!” for Restos du Cœur

Each year, the Pocket editions join forces with all the players in the book chain, each contributing their know-how so that all the recipes are redistributed to the Restos du Cœur.

This year, on the theme of The planet and meyou will be able to discover news from:

  • Francoise Bourdin
  • Marina Carrere d’Encausse
  • Francois d’Epenoux
  • Karine Giebel
  • Raphaelle Giordano
  • Alexandra Lapierre
  • Cyril Lignac
  • Agnes Martin-Lugand
  • Roman Puertolas
  • Mohamed Mbougar Sarr

And like the last few years, it was Riad Sattouf who illustrated the cover of the collection with Esther, her cult character. The little extra of this year is that there is an exceptional preface by Thomas Pesquet.

One book purchased = 4 meals distributed

Launched in 2014, the “13 à table!” » mobilizes a real chain of solidarity every year.

Authors, but also broadcasters, publishers, distributors, designers, booksellers, graphic designers, manufacturers, printers, advertising agencies… each player in the book chain is mobilizing to help Restos of the Heart

The edition of the first eight volumes of 13 à table! allowed the Restos du Coeur to distribute nearly 6,800,000 meals.

source site-36