a tribute to Dinah, a teenage girl victim of school bullying who ended her life



France 2

Article written by

A. Etienne, H. Laridon, V. Steib – France 2

France Televisions

Dinah, a 14-year-old girl, committed suicide after being the victim of bullying for two years. Sunday, October 24, a white march was organized in his memory, in Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin).

The pain is sharp for the parents and the brother of Dinah, Sunday October 24th. The latter took the lead of the procession, a white march to pay tribute to this 14-year-old girl who ended her life on October 5. A crowd also came to attend these moments of meditation, in Mulhouse, in the Haut-Rhin. “My daughter was harassed for two years. And for two years, we went out of our way to make it stop. But they chased her all the way home, to social media.”, lamented his mother, Samira Gonthier.

His friends present spoke of his distress in recent months. School bullying went beyond the simple school setting. According to the family, the college was aware of these facts. “Several times, I went to see the CPE, I called the school life. They never took anything seriously”, explained Dinah’s mother. The white march ended in front of the school, where the latter had made its start in September. His family announces that they want to file a complaint against his former college.

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