a tribute to an American superstar gone too soon?

“It’s time to introduce you to my princess!” Monday, April 10, on this Easter day, Sarah Lopez decided to present her first child. On his account instagram, the influencer slipped a series of photos but also videos before and after childbirth. All this, embellished with a nice little text for its community.

First name reveal

“Gérald and I are happy to share with you the very first photo of our treasure (and many other frozen memories)”she began before revealing the name chosen for this little angel. “After several days in the maternity ward, some unexpected complications, Aaliyah has finally discovered her new home and is doing, thank God, like a charm. She sends you from her princess room, a lot of sweetness, tenderness and above all a lot of love”.

The former candidate of Secret Story or even the Villa of Broken Hearts therefore opted for the same first name as that of the famous American singer of the 90s. Known for the titles, One in a Million, Rock The Boat or try againthe artist tragically died at the age of 22 in a plane crash.

Following her message, Sarah wanted to thank her man, her family, her relatives, but also the nursing staff, without forgetting her subscribers.

“She comes to enlarge the most beautiful of families: the one that my man (who was incredibly supportive and strong) gave me. She fulfills her parents, her uncle and her aunt, her grandparents, her brother and sister… and thank you for all the nice things you said, sent, shared for her and about her. To all the aunties and uncles on the web, a thousand thanks! To all the medical teams (c is important!), a thousand more thanks and immense gratitude”.

Congratulations and welcome to little Aaliyah!

See also: Tom Brusse about to be ousted from Secret Story, Sarah Lopez tackles him: “if I lost big, I tell myself today, that I won a lot more…”


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