a tribune calls for his resignation from the government



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Caroline Cayeux, minister in charge of local authorities is once again singled out after her remarks deemed homophobic. A hundred personalities, including members of the majority, signed a column in the Journal du Dimanche on Sunday July 17.

They are a hundred personalities from all political backgrounds to have signed a platform in the JDD, Sunday July 17, to denounce the remarks of Caroline Cayeux which they consider homophobic. Among them, deputies, mayors, intellectuals as well as Manuel Valls and Jack Lang. For the former minister of François Mitterrand, the presence of Caroline Cayeux in government is not compatible with the values ​​of the Republic. The signatories of the platform call for the resignation of the minister responsible for local authorities.

In 2013, at the time of the law on marriage for all, Caroline Cayeux had described the reform as “whim”, and “design against nature”. Statements maintained on the set of Public Senate specifying that she had many friends among “those people” by qualifying homosexuals. Before a backpedal on Twitter claiming to regret “inappropriate” and “stupid” remarks. A complaint has been filed against Caroline Cayeux by six anti-homophobia associations.

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